Gastown, Vancouver
by Sher Nasser
Buy the Original Painting
18.000 x 24.000 inches
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Gastown, Vancouver
Sher Nasser
Painting - Watercolour On Paper
Watercolour painting of historic Gastown on a wintry early morning foggy day. Gastown is Vancouver's oldest neighbourhood, that combines old with new. Gastown grew from a single tavern founded by John Gassy Jack Deighton back in 1867. The district still retains its historic charm, Victorian architecture houses a thriving fashion scene, one-of-a-kind galleries, impeccably curated decor boutiques, and some of the best culinary fare in Vancouver. It's a gathering place for stylish locals and an ideal neighbourhood to explore on foot. Gastown lies along the north of the downtown Vancouver peninsula, from Richards east to Main Street, and south to Hastings Street. In 2012, Gastown was named the fourth most stylish neighbourhood in the world, setting trends from the historic seat of the city.
December 11th, 2016